Wednesday, August 15

Nature of soul

The soul is pure in all its essence.It does nothing. It is only the witness of our bad or good deeds in consists of body ,mind and soul. Body is the external coating and mind is the internal coating of the soul.The soul is the iron piece which is always attracted towards the MAGNET,the super soul.Since it is immortal it has no beginning or end.It has an end when it mingles with its source,the super soul. It become supersoul. Who does not want a higher position.It has no begining nor end.It only evolves according to devine plan.

1 comment:

Ed said...

Nice site. The soul is also the place from which we make our choices. It houses our free will. We can choose life or death. Nothing is automatic. Jesus said, "I am the way,the truth and the life". He also said, "Come unto me and you shall find rest for your soul"! Great topic!
Grace and Peace,