Monday, September 22

Are We Puppets

The question many time hammer the brain,Are we the puppet in the hand of super brain{GOD}
Sometimes realize yes and sometimes NO,Because we are getting pain{in life}
What is the cause I Ponder!!

Because nothing happens without a cause and causality is universal
That cause is not our deeds on the live's platform?

If we are puppets is GOD compelling us for bad deeds!! NO!!!
We are not puppets But to certain extent we are free

Let us use that for betterment of creation
Without keeping in mind the personal ambition.


Sunday, September 21

He alone can follow Me!!!!

The saint of sikhism Kabir was treading the spiritual path and giving sermons to the people.He had many followers and many were anxious to follow HIM..Once all on a sudden Kabir declared
'He who can set fire to his own house can only follow me'Did he actually tell to set fire to the house?NO. The sentence had a deeper meaning. The inner meaning is DETACHMENT,the detachment from worldly matters which is very difficult for an ordinary man. When we are bound by the material pleasure our mind become conditioned means not free. When we are always busy in thinking about material pleasure!!will there be any space in mind for devine thought,GOD,His creation.Kabir was a example of detachment from earthly pleasure.Great mensometimes quotes few lines which are simple to hear but difficultto understand deeper meaning and follow.But all people are not same so those who understand and follow become an aspirant and devine bliss is granted to them

Friday, September 12

You can enter the LIGHTbut can't touch the flame

The above quatation is from a great book called LIGHT ON THE PATH.I am just trying my level best to elaborate the meaning in tune with my thoughtOthers can understand it according to their thought.
As we know flame is the essence of light and it's source.Philosophically it is too difficult to find our first source.The source from which our soul came.As we know whole is never acheiveable thogh we can find 99.99%not the hundred percent. My motto to mention it here is that we follow many religions but when someone ask are you following the religion in total?Answer is obvious NO because all are trying according to their capability,THE INNER WHISPER IS NObecause we arewe are destined to bebound under some limitations.Can a priest of a chuch claim he is obeying the words of bible totally ofcourse NO.Can a hidu claim he is leading his life with teachings of Bhagbat geete ofcorse NO can a buddhist leading his life with dhamma teachings by Buddha NO1 . We are influenced by environment and within our limitation we are following to certain extentTherefore it is said WE can enter the light but cant touch the flame.But by dedication praying a supernatural power called God we can touch the fame.Mind all of you TRY is the key word GOD BLESS